What you will need:

  • 15 minutes
  • Computer and smartphone/mobile device
  • MFA Authenticator App (2FAS)


Detailed Instructions

Step 1: Open a Browser such as Google Chrome and Sign In at home.apu.edu

If this is a Group Role Account, please sign into mail.apu.edu instead

If you are not seeing the "Sign In" option, please Clear Browser Cache first.

Step 2: Install a Free Authenticator on Your Mobile Device 

Hit "Next" in the bottom right hand corner of the screen.


Step 3: Print or Save This Page, Then Scan QR Code (DO NOT SCAN THE SAMPLE BELOW)
(IF YOU ARE NOT SEEING THIS PAGE PLEASE GIVE US A CALL AT (626) 815-5050 or email [email protected])

Hit "Next" in the bottom right hand corner of the screen.


Step 4: Type In The 6 Digit Code From Your Authentication App

Step 5: Wait for a new code to appear in your Authenticator App, then enter the six digits again




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